The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association was established in 2011 and had its first graduates in 2016. There are 6 Engineering Departments within our faculty: Computer, Electrical-Electronics, Industrial, Mechanical, Mechatronics and Software Engineering. Computer and Industrial Engineering Departments accepted their first students in 2013-2014, Electrical-Electronics, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Departments in 2012-2013 and Software Engineering in 2021-2022 academic year. The language of instruction is 100% English for all departments.

With its distinguished academic staff, high-tech laboratories, integrated education model, double major and minor programs, our Faculty offers a unique education and training opportunity to specialize in different engineering fields, especially in the field of aviation and space. These opportunities are designed to train engineers who can think analytically of the future, focus on problem solving, have managerial and leadership qualities, have high goals, not only use technology but also produce it, direct the research and development projects of our country, and are sought after worldwide.